After seven years of marriage [although we managed to pull off a wedding in under two weeks time the honeymoon was an oversight] Shady and I finally got to take a dream trip to Paris. Ahh, the city of lights, it lived up to its reputation.
I know most of you are here to see photos of the kiddos, but humor me as I share some pics of our trip.
Our first day there we went straight to the Eiffel Tower. We arrived in the afternoon and stayed up top for a few hours watching the city buildings go from white stone to pink and crimson as the sun set. At dark the tower was lit up like a christmas tree.
I can't say that the pyramid was very impressive, but cool nonetheless. I was impressed by the gold-topped obelisk in the roundabout facing the Louvre, now that was neat. Too bad we can't have something like that in Midan Tahrir.
Off the beaten track, the medieval garden at Cluny Museum was amazing and though we just passed through we couldn't resist stopping for the photo together.
Our favorite spot of the week was the Rodin gardens. Amazing. It probably helped that this was one of the sunnier days of the trip. I think that if it had been overcast Rodin's dark, brooding statues would have been a bit harder to take.
All in all, a wonderful trip I will long treasure. This was only our second non-family related travel together--our first trip was to Lebanon in 2004, but I was 5 months pregnant so we were slowed down a bit--so fun to explore, enjoy, and discover together!
Favorite moments:
Here we are reading "I love you THIS much", a favorite bunny story.
Because of the holiday our favorite getaway at the red sea (gotta love stella di mare) was double the usual price, and anywhere in the city was chock full of all the other folks who can't afford holiday rates. So we didn't even venture out once. I was more than ready to go to work today; days like these make me realize that I don't have what it takes to be a stay-at-home mom, even with as good of kids as we are lucky enough to have. Yay for careers.