At the last minute we were actually unable to find a bird--or the right kind of bird anyway--yep, there were no turkeys to be had. We settled for oven roasted chicken, which was just plain delightful anyway, accompanied by a stuffing broccoli [and chicken] bake, mashed potatoes and gravy, and cranberry. Heather even made a pumpkin pie from scratch so the meal was complete and we had a great day.
Thanks for the memories Heather!
(I'll post photos for this one later...)
Finally, we had a scare this past week with a very sick Mark. He had a fever upwards of 40 degrees centigrade... way too high. We had to put the poor guy in water every few hours over a three day period. His poor babysitter thought Mark was about to die at one point on Tuesday when he went into convulsions and his eyes rolled back up into his head--but, ilhamdulillah, the fever finally broke Thursday morning and our cherub is back to his happy self now.

We were even able to take the kids out on Friday morning for a day at the park. We all needed the time out of the house after that rough week.
1 comment:
wow! seems like mark keeps getting this high fevers! i keep loving his long hair! i'm glad you had a nice thanksgiving, we missed you here. saludos! for Jim & Heather
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